Preparing for Singapore!

August 4, 2014

I am headed off to Singapore for the semester in the morning. I am very excited for this, as this is my first out of the country experience. I am sure this will be a great experience but there are just so many things that I wonder about. I am wondering what classes will be like; will they be extremely difficult, will I understand the different accents, will I understand the infamous Singlish language? I also wonder how the food will be when I arrive in Singapore and if I would recognize any types of food. I wonder who my roommate will be and if we will get along and what it would be like to live with someone from another country. Where will I travel? Will I make lifelong friends? Will I get homesick? Will I get sick? There are just so many things that I am pondering as I prepare embark on this journey of a lifetime but I am more than ready!
At the airport with Octavia, preparing for the flight!
The last leg of the countdown!