The Final Countdown

November 24

In exactly 17 days I will be going through US Customs and Border Protection to make my grand entrance back to the United States. What a thought! I still cannot believe how long it has been since I have been home but I will definitely be glad to be home.

In addition to happiness, I expect to have a wide range of emotions upon returning to the US. I talked to a few people that have studied abroad as well as looked up information on people’s reactions after their time abroad. Many people experience what you call reverse culture shock. That is, upon returning to the States one may need to readjust emotionally and psychologically to living in the US. Many people report feeling surprise, disorient, as though it is different than how they left it, a longing to return abroad, and a wide range of other emotions. One thing that I noticed at the end of each person’s account or story is that there is no place like home and they were glad to be back.  I am sure the adjustment will be just fine.

I am looking forward to coming home as I have developed a slight case of homesickness and everything seems to remind me of home. I have began to miss the food, the loudness, the hugs and, of course, my loved ones. My feeling are torn between sadness as the days dwindle down in a country that has become a second home and the excitement of counting down the time until you arrive home!

Jurong Point trying Cronuts [Croissant Donuts]
Jasmine, Bryan, Mr. Kant, and Nay Oo from Management 
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